6 men and 4 women injured in fight during party in salmiya
6 men and 4 women injured in fight during party in salmiya
6 men and 4 women injured in fight during party in salmiya was last modified: April 7th, 2016 by
Comments (17)
Filed in: All • Expats in Kuwait • Local News
When,where is the next party. Might need a few bottles. 😉
Love the silver wall unit….I wonder if its for sale ??????
the pics are clear enogh,,,from tipical kuwaity flat for fun ,what to say more? no need
This is the image
Where is the news?!
No other details? When where in salmiya any reason, who are those people…
No other details? When where in salmiya any reason, who are those people…
Too much advertise not able to read any thing
pathetic journalism…. you need to search for news in Ads….hope you guys are educated enough to do this duty…
No detail , No Article ?
This site is full of advertising :S
Guys cool down what he gets he put it on its not his mistake. He is not a super man to be on spot to update his facebook status. If it was you would be doing the same so its normal.
What is this here always seen some pictures when you click the link you will get only adverticement. Shameon it!
seriously wtf happen ?! all that pic and then no story ?
His taking money from advertise such a waste of time better to un follow theres so much page in there
why post the pics with what really happned ?
Looks like they where drinking sudicki also why advertise Kuwait up to date if you don't know how to do a story ?