Kuwait to deport expats over illegal BBQ

December 28, 201425 Comments

 BBQamedExpatriates apprehended barbecuing in non-allocated places in Kuwait will be deported, the head of the municipal council has said.

“There is a plan to set up a new link with the interior ministry to deport the foreigners who break the municipal laws, including barbecuing on the beaches and public parks,” Ahmad Al Saubaih said. “The municipality had designated specific spots at the beach and in public gardens where people could barbecue. It has also imposed a ban on having a barbecue in certain areas. However, several people fail to comply with the laws and regulations, even though they are aware that those who cause any form of damage to public utilities and facilities are punished,” he said, quoted by local daily Al Rai on Sunday.

Faced with the growing phenomenon of Kuwaitis and expatriates barbecuing nonchalantly and without any regard for cleanliness at the beach and in public parks and gardens, the municipal council in 2012 sought to curb it by introducing fines of up to KD 300.

Offenders had to pay the fines within two weeks to ensure their case is not referred to a court of law.

Source : GulfNews
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  1. Kuwait has to deport 100,000 expats in one year, How will they achieve that target ? Just an excuses, Even they will expel legal expats. Lets wait and see

  2. Main issue with Kuwait is to get rid of expats, That is why They are looking for an excuse.

  3. Is the rule same for Kuwaitis also

  4. Is the rule same for Kuwaitis also

  5. Anyone who breaks rule should be punished? But why descrimination between Citizens and Expatriates? May be such incidences…earned Kuwait the dubious distinction of being the most unfriendliest country for expats. Here an Expat and Citizens are weighed differently for the same crime.This is unfair.

  6. yes this is extreme now, in the other hand it's better than a fine since no one cares about fines. still I agree it's fine too far

  7. God created the Earth awesome and if we are His creatures we must keep the Nature clean because we love Him. It doesn't matter we are a strangers or we are a citizens of this beautiful place. The Laws of God and the laws of Quwait must be keep and every one have to obey the rules…., if of course the law of Quwait is not against to the Law of God!

  8. That's ridiculous! Most of the problems are done by kuwaitis! KUWAIT IS DECLINING AS A NATION DRAMATICALLY

  9. Then Where we can do bbq

  10. Eli Haidar says:

    We are citizens of the earth people , it does no require any nationality to keep our home Earth clean anywhere at every time .. Wake up people , God help humankind , Amen

  11. Hang them till death… for cooking…

  12. I will be not surprise if any-day, I read a Kuwait Deportation law says' that " IF YOU make ((bad smelly fart)) you may also will be deported.. because it's make pollution on weather… Really feeling very unstable staying in Kuwait by new new law comes blink of eyes……. because we don't have rights to defend our-self by law.

  13. In every country its a special place made for BBQ..here must be the same.. not all over the places.. and above all she the dirt and trashes peoples live behind every time..!..

  14. Asim Khan says:

    The answer to everything in kuwait is deportation.

  15. For sure every one need to obey the rule but the problem we are facing now is for each and everything they talk about deportation . It is really disturbing and not a good sign in modern society

  16. Where on earth are we living maaaaaan..

  17. Indeed, we are the reason for such actions.

  18. Rules r Rules 4 everybody the same,obey the rules u wil be save.

  19. By the way, I've seen what they are talking about. There are areas that are designated for BBQ and areas where it is not allowed. People leave behind their garbage and make these areas unclean. People also ignore the signs that say no dogs and let their dog deficate without cleaning up after them and if you don't watch where you walk you step in it! If you are going to own a dog be responsible and clean up. If you are going to BBQ be responsible and clean up. It's because the people weren't cleaning up that no BBQ laws were put into place in the first place. People need to respect their Host country and even as the article says even the Kuwaiti's are fined if they are caught breaking the rules and laws.

  20. By the way, I've seen what they are talking about. There are areas that are designated for BBQ and areas where it is not allowed. People leave behind their garbage and make these areas unclean. People also ignore the signs that say no dogs and let their dog deficate without cleaning up after them and if you don't watch where you walk you step in it! If you are going to own a dog be responsible and clean up. If you are going to BBQ be responsible and clean up. It's because the people weren't cleaning up that no BBQ laws were put into place in the first place. People need to respect their Host country and even as the article says even the Kuwaiti's are fined if they are caught breaking the rules and laws.

  21. Most of the time this is done by Kuwaities for what are you guys back of expats

  22. @malaka umm dawud exactly

  23. We live in Kuwait, so we need to abide by their laws. If you read the article it says that the Kuwaiti's who break the laws are fined.
    Again, expats need to abide by the laws here. This is our Host country, therefore we need to obey its laws. If we don't like the laws then we can leave. No one is forcing us to stay here.

  24. What about the kuwaitis

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