Attestation suspended of Bank Guarantee for “Indian Domestic Workers” In Kuwait
The Embassy of India in Kuwait after discussions with the Kuwaiti authorities has agreed to suspend the equivalent of KD 720 bank guarantee which was required from sponsors in Kuwait to bring a female domestic worker from India.
Source : ArabTimes
Copyright 2015 ArabTimes

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Attestation suspended of Bank Guarantee for “Indian Domestic Workers” In Kuwait was last modified: January 1st, 2015 by
Comments (6)
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Its a Shame for the Indians !!!
The Indian Embassy personals should know how much it values to be an "Indian."
Mr.shahid labour's is labour's how many percent is not a issue, Indian Hindus maids working here indian Muslims alhamdulliah better then pakistanis, they did not plant bombs in masjids, they did not killed school children's.
Yes pakistani are better then others, why no maid in Arab, only 20% pakistani women's working, but Indian 95% women working in Arab, if u see around all the works, computer repairing, satellite fixing, ceramic marble fixing, carpenter , mechanic, Decore, painter, networking, barber, tailor, Excavation, there more work pakistani doing in Arab, take care before talk.
Mr.sahilkhan, don't breed, there is no value of any country people's , accept Arabs. Some Pakistanis thinking they r better then others. They all working of barber and tailors and streets work's.
they are just poor people no value of Indians in Kuwait
What difference does it make? Are Indians able to bring domestic workers from their own country??