Brawling expats to be immediately deported from Kuwait

October 15, 201433 Comments


Expats in Kuwait involved in street fights will be immediately deported under tough new measures announced by the Ministry of Interior. It is the latest in a string of allegations that could see foreigners forcibly removed from the country without a conviction or a right of appeal. On Sunday, authorities deported five expats on allegations they had sexually harassed women. None of the men had faced trial. Last year, thousands also were deported after being charged with traffic offences.

In a statement on Tuesday, the ministry’s director of public relations and moral guidance Brigadier Adel Al Hashash said expats involved in public fights or who incite “chaos” would be deported, because such behaviour was against the Kuwaiti law, despite not allowing a trial first.

According to Arab Times, he revealed that seven GCC citizens already had been asked to leave the country after they were involved in a quarrel at Avenues during Eid Al Adha, reportedly attacking mall security guards. “He stressed the decision of deporting troublemakers will curb the phenomena of chaos and quarrel that is taking root in the country and claiming life and property,” the newspaper reported.

Source : ArabianBusiness

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  1. Dude avenues fight was started by bedoon

  2. hahaa me 2 born kuwait,, but left kuwait 6 years ago, its going to get worse in future………… laws are for foreigners only. We used to have lots of WASTAS anyways Kuwait is kuwait

  3. We are poor children home India,we need help

  4. Its such a shame that the government has blind folded themselves to see that most of the misbehaving acts are caused by kuwaiti's. I am not saying all but majority… for example, take a public bus.. kuwaiti brats just get in, light cigarettes, shout, touch women etc etc and if the bus driver or conductor says something, they abuse them and dont give a ****. Hooligans is also in my opinion too good a word for them. It is all a reflection on their upbringing.. they have no parental guidance cz parents are too busy with their own masked lives.. the kids are given to the maids who i must say i feel sorry for.. they are ill treated and misused in many houses. Only a handful are lucky to get good kuwaiti homes.. kuwait's have been blessed by God with wealth & money in abundance but its a shame 95% of them don't have a heart!! They treat people like they own them. Even the legal system is messed up where you cant even trust a cop. The kuwaiti's will know the value and importance of expats when (IF) they were put on the streets to clean in the burning sun in summer and get 60kd salary.. if they had to work day and night cleaning, cooking, taking care of the monstrous children and still beaten, not fed, not paid, raped, abused etc for a salary of 40-50kd. Those are still extremes.. try waking up early on a daily basis and going to work to actually work and not just sit in an office, have tea and walk out after an hour or so and get paid a fortune while the expats slog all day and work for not even 25% of what the kuwaitis get paid for occupying space and drinking tea.
    Yes, there are some good kuwaiti's.. educated and well mannered but unfortunately they are only a handful and very unfortunately are misjudged due to the majority of the nationals.
    Yes, it is a good law to send back anyone who causes riots and disturbs the peace but not like this.. they should be given a chance to justify themselves.. and if a kuwaiti national is the cause of the riot, he/she should be jailed and should be made to pay a fine to the person he hurt. This way the fights and riots will reduce. Deporting the expats without trial is like telling the kuwaiti's "do whatever you want, dont worry, nothing will happen to you, we'l just throw the expat out and noone will even know what u did"
    Laws like these are what encourage these hooligans to behave the way they do.. if they were charged equally like the expats, kuwait would be a much better place to live in..

    Anyone who disagrees with me and is living blindfolded, go online and check the name of the country that is the worst place for expats to live in.. hopefully then your eyes will open.. because having that title is nothing to be proud of.. instead should be ashamed of yourselves and try to make a change.
    God made us all.. so who gave you the right to think you are superior? What ever you do, maybe you will get away with it for now but there is a God above who see's everything!! Whatever you do will have consequences… no act of yours is gone unseen be it good or bad..
    [By "you", I do not mean anyone specific nor just kuwaiti's.. its everyone in general but yes, in this particular topic, the focus is more on those kuwaiti's who are unjust and this law that i think many will agree, should be amended to include punishment to locals (kuwaiti's) who are the cause of the same acts.. and there should be a chance to justify ones actions. Most violent acts are provoked and/or are based on self defense.. not all.. but most..

    Something to think about..

  5. Thing is Kuwaitis start fights and then they're not guilty. They harass women and then act innocent. Avenues fight for example, they were all Kuwaitis. How would you deal with that?

  6. Good to know about this measure, but the real trouble makers are not only expats but the citizens of kuwait itself! So how would u take actions against them? If kuwait needs to be peaceful its not only throwing expats outside kuwait but to give a real discipline against the citizens of kuwait especially the youths.

  7. Hamad Al-Hnaidi Dear Hamad
    We consider Kuwait as our second home. We have spent our lives here. We want to see this country a peaceful place for each and every individual living in it. When we are coming up with a solution for any problem, then the solution should be an amicable. Unjust solution never helps solving any problem instead it aggravate the problem

  8. Can people just chill out and enjoy sarcasm

  9. M MW Diab says:

    Jayson Oberez Thanks!

  10. M MW Diab bravo!!! wellsaid!

  11. But what if you as a person is attacked and you defend yourself? Without a trial how can you be proved innocent?

  12. Naqi Abedi says:

    I think most of the expat are already careful when they are dealing with kuwaiti because they know they can end up in a serious situation so govt should find out the root cause not just deporting expats will solve the issue i was in dubai before and their govt treat expats and local equally when any crime is reported.

  13. M MW Diab says:

    Hamad Al-Hnaidi People like you are the reason that make Kuwaitis seem bad enough. You're not the only people God has created, nor are the greatest. Be simple, & treat everyone respectfully, just as your religion says to do so.

  14. Hamad Al Hnaidi u make others think of all Kuwaitis as same. I think u need ur brain checked

  15. Hamad al-hnaidi yeah drink tea with your morons head of police

  16. Mark Cole says:

    That's good Kuwaiti's can do the job intended for foreigners/ expats…..

  17. I am born in Kuwait but I hate Kuwaiti people they are assholl stoped nonsense

  18. Mark Cole says:

    It is what it is……..!!!!!!!!

  19. This law been there since I was born

  20. This law been there since I was born

  21. Issac Kp says:

    Kuwaitis only barks in their home country

  22. That's Good.
    But I think that type Laws just for non Kuwaities.

  23. How about the kuwaiti people

  24. This will be abused by the locals.

  25. Addy Shah says:

    this law is just for the support of locals that means no one dare to answer them or reply their misbehave or else he or she will be deported

  26. I think is this law is crazy, most of the fights in kuwait are in mall and fight start with Kuwaiti people…. Laws in kuwait is called WASTA habebee

  27. What about kuwaiti citizens

  28. We will be drinking tea with head of police. After the expat is being deported.

  29. Good law if the goverment take action aganist every body not only for froigner because law for every one

  30. Good law if the goverment take action aganist every body not only for froigner because law for every one

  31. It is good they will deport the expats but what about the Kuwaities who will be involved in the same fight. How someone will come to know that who started the fight.

  32. It is good they will deport the expats but what about the Kuwaities who will be involved in the same fight. How someone will come to know that who started the fight.

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