Local News

New proposal to increase employment of Kuwaitis in private sector

September 16, 20180 Comments

The Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP) has prepared a new proposal on the employment of nationals in the private sector entitled, “Central Employment under Government and Development Project Contracts,” reports Al-Rai daily.

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10 years old girl involved in drugs smuggling

September 15, 20180 Comments

The Assistant Undersecretary for Correctional and Sentencing Affairs at the Interior Ministry Major-General Faraj Al- Zua’bi, has referred a female employee at the Central Prison to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for helping her son get access to heroin who is serving time inside the prison, reports Al- Anba daily.

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Number of expats to be increased by 5 millions in Kuwait

September 12, 20180 Comments

The total amount allocated for providing salaries to the employees of the government sector will increase to KD 24 billion after 2025, reports Al-Nahar daily quoting governmental sources.

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Age limit for boys on dependent visa

September 12, 20184 Comments

My elder son, will turn 18 years this Oct 18. He is presently studying in 12th standard. His visa will expire in Nov 18, 2018. Please advise the age limit for boys on dependent visa; whether I can still sponsor my son. Do I need to get a letter from school (in Arabic) conforming he is a student of the school. Look forward to your valuable feedback. Thank you!

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Police are looking for an unidentified Indian maid

September 12, 20180 Comments

Police are looking for an unidentified Indian maid for allegedly stealing an expensive watch and KD 4,000, reports Al-Rai daily. The daily added, the female sponsor of the maid discovered the theft when she returned home from an outing.

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Woman sentenced for 3 years with hard labor

September 12, 20180 Comments

The Court of Appeals upheld the verdict and ordered the arrest a 26-year-old woman who was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment with hard labor for consuming and possessing drugs, reports Al-Rai daily.

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Kuwait’s MoI urges visit visa holders to settle their issues, leave Kuwait

September 11, 20180 Comments

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry called on Tuesday on residents whose visit visas are expired to settle their residency issues and leave the country to avoid legal measures. 

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Kuwaiti borders will turn Jahra into Switzerland

September 10, 20180 Comments

Meteorological expert Essa Ramadan says delay in the winter season can be expected this year, reports Al-Shahed daily.

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9Round Expands to Kuwait

September 5, 20180 Comments

 9Round Franchising, LLC, continues to grow with recent expansion deals made with Kuwait, Oman and Singapore. These three international deals bring the total of foreign countries where 9Round is either open and operating or in development to 17 countries.

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Husband and his wife arrested with two cousins

September 5, 20180 Comments

Police have arrested four Egyptians – husband, his wife and his two cousins – the three men for assaulting a compatriot and filming him naked, reports Al-Rai daily.

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