Summer Camp: Robotics, Animation, Braingames workshops in Salmiya, for Children in June
ANIMATION & 3D GRAPHICS: 5th till 16 June, 2016, Don Bosco
For Children 10 – 12 years, 10 Day workshop for Children to Learn how to make special effects, cartoon characters using Animation & 3D Graphics, Simple Bone Animation, Transform Animation
ROBO CHAMP: 5 till 16 June, 2016, Don Bosco
For Children 8 to 10 years, Timings: 10 day workshop on Educational Robotics! For the First Time in Kuwait!!!!
CHAMPION EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: 5 till 16 June, 2016, Don Bosco
For Children 11 to 14 years, Timings: 11am to 1pm, Monday to Thursday.
Introduction to future concepts, new technology, Infrared, Artificial intelligence, Autonomous Robots, IR Sensors, Blue tooth Technology, Learning Programming.
Take Home Robotic Kits; Take the