Court sentenced three expats men and one woman to death

March 9, 20167 Comments

As per Kuwait TimesThe Criminal Court has sentenced four people to death – three Indian men and a Sri Lankan woman – for drug trafficking.

The three were caught in a case related to heroin smuggling. The court found the four, including three men from Kerala guilty of possessing and selling the narcotic in the country.

A case against them was registered in April 2015 following the bust at Kuwait International Airport. All four sentenced may appeal the verdicts within 30 days and the Appeal Court will review the sentences.

Customs caught one of the smugglers at the airport bringing in the heroin. He later gave the names of the other defendants who were arrested in Jleeb Al- Shuyoukh

Source : Kuwait Times


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  1. Stupid country stupid laws, that why they migrate to the US because if you get caught with drugs in the US they'll give you a house to live in the make you meals three times a day, you can watch tv play any sports you desire, and even get your GED all the while staying in prison. What ever happen to love your neibour as yourself, turn the other cheek, these are the almighty's commandment, why kill, which contrary in any religion? And you call yourself a God fearing country? Maybe the most hippocratical justification it's still killing. And who are we to swiftly judge?!!!

  2. Like this
    People must be hang

  3. Cam Oliver says:

    I was an expat in Kuwait for a while and I respected your laws as a Canadian citizen. They should have as well but leave the hanging happen in their home country that is what is hurting your muslim countries in the eyes of the rest of the world.

  4. Cam Oliver says:

    I was an expat in Kuwait for a while and I respected your laws as a Canadian citizen. They should have as well but leave the hanging happen in their home country that is what is hurting your muslum countries in the eyes of the rest of the world.

  5. withOut help of any local citizen thay cant do anything, if Kuwait really want to justice, than fine the main persion, and than do the same. o.O

  6. This is realy fucked up !! There ignorant people that other bustatd play with needs.
    I thing the should deport them and give them the chance to say who sent them.
    This is realy ignorant is not they sold they got cought in the airport.
    My god when are arab countries lern about fucking human rights

  7. This is good for all 3 of them !! playing with other people's lives with deadly drugs. They deserve to be hung. Good for kuwait . Kuwait also needs to find out where the heron is coming from ? What country and also hold them a countable.

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