Dog meat in tons of rotten flesh set for sale to public (Source : Arabtimes) #kuwait
Source of news & photo credit : Arabtimes
Officers from Hawally Detectives Department, supervised by Chief Brigadier Abdul-Rahman Al-Suhail, arrested an Egyptian butcher for the possession of 2,000 kgs of spoilt meat, including dog meat, ready for sale to unsuspecting customers.
The department obtained information that the man usually transports a large quantity of meat in a huge vehicle to be sold to people in their homes and fellow butchers at a low price.
The officers, led by Colonel Waleed Al-Fadhel, arrested him in the act. The officers then asked the Kuwait Municipality to test a sample of the meat and the result revealed it is not fit for human consumption.
They have also started apprehending shop owners who purchased the spoilt meat for resale to customers.
Meanwhile, the Public Relations Department at Kuwait Municipality announced that the Ahmadi Municipality Emergency Team raided an unlicensed dairy plant in Barr Juwaehil wherein they seized and destroyed 500 liters of milk and 100 kgs of butter.
They also seized some catalyst materials for milk which were unsuitable for human consumption. The officials have taken legal procedures against the plant, starting with outright
I think government and people they both are sleeping
For 2 years!!!! WTF guys!!
Allah save all Human being whose doesn't know what is happening all around Us…. Alhamdullillah Police got this people…
Even vegetables from India & Pakistan are grown using dirty sweage water lace with human feces,
Is dog meat even kosher or halal?
Thanks kuwait police u have done a good job
Oh my god
Omg! Eww
very bad
Ya Allah haram stop eat outside
Oh my god how come dogs meet they sale in kuwait …
This people not afraid to god,eat ur own meat fucking people…let them to eat all that meat dog
Thank for those raids this
Those who is involved in this should be punished and deport from Kuwait all over gulf countries they are not humN being … They dogs .
Punish them so hard that nobody ever think of to do the same in their entire life.
Better to avoid eating meat, try to replace with fish and veg. . . .
astagh firullah
allah huakbar
Kuwait govt. need to take a very strong action for food checking also need to stop bring meat from outside
avoid to eat outside
Take note…… Egypt ian butcher.
What is good..???
So sick
But where did they got all that dog meat
Great egyption style
Ensan Ser Alhen Akbor Haiwan fel Alom,,, wallahe jannam
Very bad
I never ate meat in hotels since i came to Kuwait, Allah saved me 🙂
I never ate meat in hotels since i came to Kuwait, Allah saved me 🙂
Baladiya should always follow up with the butchers not repeat this kind of dirty bussiness
OmG….haram wala…..sheet…..
That is stupid people who do this its better to give him a punishment through hang.up.withssticks. Bulsit
They most paniest ho sale the meat of dog
What it's not good
What it's not good
You r rong
Vegetarian is the way to go
this makes me not want to order my food now! how did they get the meat. they killed all the stray dogs in kuwait lool!!! justt kidding but honestly it is dog mean how hard would it be? even if it was cats their are an abundence here in kuwait. I just cant beleive that people come up with such and idea let alone act it out. shame on them!!
This is not good
Kuwaiti people are sleeping ? how they bring that meat in the country ? but its good work they raided and destroyed spoilt meat
Ih my god
Please take care of this, I would not want to buy meat that was not healthy to eat!!
Oh my god
Oh my god
I thought "only in the Philippines"..also here in Kuwait pala…
No anything to eat,eat dog meat…….
No anything to eat,eat dog meat…….
No anything to eat,eat dog meat…….