Heavy Congestion at Kuwait Airport due to eid holidays

October 2, 20145 Comments

IMG-20141002-WA0059 (Photo Credit : Rajesh Kartha, Imran Abdul Hameed & Faraz Kaleem)

Over 150,000 leave as huge rush seen at airport: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation affirmed that approximately 150,000 passengers will leave the country from October 1-11 via Kuwait International Airport to observe Eid Al- Adha holiday. In a statement to the daily, Acting Director of Operations Department Ahmad Al-Huwaidi said 256 flights are scheduled to convey 32,000 passengers on Sunday and Monday to favorite destinations such as Sharm Al- Sheikh, Dubai, Beirut, Mashhad and Istanbul.

DGCA explained that 26,000 passengers travel via the airport daily on board 125 flights, and a specialized team has been formed to work on shifts during Eid al-Adha holiday to ease entry and exit of passengers-particularly those with special needs and elderly people, as the number of passengers at the passport and inspection counters increases.

Via ArabTimes


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  1. Proper management of staff and an enlargement of the airport is the right solution for this kind of heavy traffic at counters.

  2. You go to london heathrow which is the busiest airport and still no congestion, kuwait government should do better

  3. I was there and not the eid is the cause of crowd it is cause of delayed some flights and they close the baggage counter if no flights will delay you think its crowded ?

  4. Mr editor .it's eid ul adah not eid ul fitar

  5. Kuwait should expand the airport

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