How would be Kuwait weather in 2035

June 27, 20180 Comments

Climate change is a global environmental issue at the top of the international agenda. Despite opposition, its effects have been researched and substantiated by many scientists worldwide, including but not limited to the UNFCCC and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Current trends indicate that the Earth’s climate will increase by an average of 4 °C by the year 2050. In Kuwait, researchers have concluded that current trends of activity in the region, mainly stemming from Kuwait’s oil production, can cause a 1.6 °C increase in climate regionally by 2035 if no mitigation occurs.

Other effects from such an increase in climate include:

1: A decrease of approximate 2 mm/year in rainfall by 2035 exacerbating droughts.
2: Increases in dust storms.
3: A rise in sea-level along coastal regions, threatening urban infrastructure, lagoons and salt marshes.

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