In Charge For One Day , Kuwait

I know that I am writing things that make you rethink if you are really in Kuwait or somewhere else in the globe. I know for sure that writing in an English newspaper will only attract expatriates and Kuwaiti officials will only look in the Arabic ones (if they really care for complaints in the Arabic newspapers, that is). In this article, I will pinpoint on issues that could be settled and addressed if there is a strict decision. I will make myself an official for at least one day and try to resolve such hectic problems.
1. If I were in charge of the zoo and see the kinds of dangerous animals in the possession of people such as lions, tigers, hyenas and so on, I would confiscate them and take them to the zoo, where they are supposed to be, along with their owners. This will show how ordinary people are scared and puzzled by what they see while the owners would be showing off on the Gulf Road.
2. If I were in charge of the traffic department and see those reckless drivers zigzagging between lanes and driving on the shoulder of the road, I would stop them and have their cars crushed and scrapped in front of their eyes. This way they will respect other drivers’ lives and properties.
3. If I were in charge of the gardens and see some nationals and expatriates leave the park filthy, I would close the park on them and have them clean their mess. Or before that, I would take refundable fees in order for them to keep the park clean as it was.
4. If I were in charge of the companies or offices acting as third-party agents, I would have them set the salary of the haris or Janitor at KD 100, force him not to take additional money from tenants, and place a signboard on the entrance of the building asking tenants not to pay the haris any money as he is getting his salary, which is enough.
5. If I were in charge of the Interior Ministry and see those young kids doing graffiti on the schools walls and elsewhere, I would take the paint from them and paint their faces so that they can be good examples for public property violators.
6. If I were in charge of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, I would establish an open day for Kuwaitis and expatriates where everyone could interact with the other and to break the ice between these segments of the society.
7. If I were in charge of the domestic helpers offices, I would impose stricter regulations on some of the offices which insult or beat the domestic workers. I would cancel the office’s license in that case, in order to show respect for those who come from all over the world seeking a decent living for their kids.
Until the next article Insha Allah
By Talal Al Ghannam
[email protected]
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Dear Me. Talal, your sentiment are well written to make all of humanity to love and respect each other. If I was in charge for a day, I would wish all you have written, to come true.
If I could have been incharge of Kuwait, I would have replaced many in the police & traffic dept. i would have tried to replace them with well educated people who knows both English & Arabic well enough and behave properly