Kuwait arrested 83 European Ladies
Security authorities in Kuwait have arrested 83 European women suspected of online soliciting.
The women promoted themselves on social networks and said they wanted 150 dinars (Dh1,817) for illicit relations, security sources told local daily Al Seyassah.
The police monitored their moves until they were certain about their illegal activities, arrested them and referred them to the authorities, the sources added.
Source : GulfNews
1: Kuwait has frozen the number of expatriates in the country
2: New health insurance system for expatriates in Kuwait
3: Expat Bachelors Removal
4: Medical fees for expats may rise in Kuwait
5: New Medical Tests For Hiring Expats
6: Fines for sheltering illegals (Via ArabTimes) , Kuwait
7: Announced to remove the bachelors from residential areas (Via Arabtimes)
8: Ban on domestic helpers from 12 countries
9: 60 days grace period for Expats in Kuwait (Via Arabtimes)
10: 3 Days grace period to help the violators (Via Arabtimes)
11: New Labor Regulations are Now Put into Practice
12: Only 6 expat families can reside in house (Via Arabtimes) , Kuwait
13: No Civil ID without Rent Contract (Via Arabtimes), Kuwait
1: Official paid holidays in Kuwait ( Article 68 )
2: Salary Calculation with sick leaves ( Article 69 )
3: 24 consecutive hours rest for employees ( Article 67 )
4: Working hours for ladies in Kuwait ( Article 22 )
5: Paid Maternity Leave ( Article 24 )
6: Kids nursery at work, if female workers +50 and male +200 ( Article 25 )
7: Entitles to 21 days leave with pay to perform Hajj ( Article 76 )
8: 100 days Probation period of the worker, Kuwait ( Article 32 )
9: Accommodation for workers in Kuwait ( Article 34 )
Comments (134)
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i want to ask a question before going directly to my public announcement here. If I got a legal loan online it would be as easy as it will refer to all these built / duplicate loan testimonials that I read online, so why did my charming husband refuse to apply for a loan online five times after being scammed of 4000 euros? All that stopped when a family friend referred us to a reputable loan company known as Jackson Ben Loan Firm. I was surprised to get the amount of my loan of 45,000 euros so i know he is trustworthy and understanding.
contact them on jacksonbenloanfirm@outlook.com
If local citizens married pilipina FOR YOUR INFO THEY ARE NOT TOOK AWAY FROM THIER WIVES!
If You dont understand ISLAM IS SHUT UP!
If local citizens married pilipina FOR YOUR INFO THEY ARE NOT TOOK AWAY FROM THIER WIVES!
If You dont understand ISLAM IS SHUT UP!
pilipina are bitch?
European whore!
pilipina are bitch?
European whore!
So ashame of you lara blair we married and got seperated and stand for our obligation how about you nationalities? Are u dreaming or what???your even have sex before marriage right??its clear 83 europeans so???does it pointing u???you know whay the thing is???this time they caught!they play good over net…ashamed of you to disrespect us..compare to philippines you are more liberated than us..!
So ashame of you lara blair we married and got seperated and stand for our obligation how about you nationalities? Are u dreaming or what???your even have sex before marriage right??its clear 83 europeans so???does it pointing u???you know whay the thing is???this time they caught!they play good over net…ashamed of you to disrespect us..compare to philippines you are more liberated than us..!
What happened for people in this world OH MY GOD bless only the good person please. ..
Dont blame your self lara blair..that is the reality so dont compare all filipino in ur nationality..
What is most sad about this article is that there is obviously a market in Kuwait for this type of service.
LARA BLAIR!!!!!! Watch out your word!!!
What you think of yourself?… Youre an expat too!!!
What you think of all filipina? Yes youre eurpean as what you claim! But youre part in a world war country….that why why youre here in kuwait tooo for a greener pasture!!! If you are financially stable why coming here in deserted area working like hell!… So,please be respectful and think first before what you say!!!! So that you will not received any bad words also….respect yourself first.
im sure this guy Khalifa Sazeet busted by filipina hahah
Lara Blair LOL I was about to explode from laughing))) you have a point tbh, love the way you fight back. And those who are trying to defend their nationalities please, for fucks sake, shut up and swallow the fact that every nation has its own sluts, no need to point at each other like that. Just accept the goddamn fact that ppl love whatever the fuck is prohibited, there is no way to fully stop it.
Correct ……100.1%…….tnx for nice comment……Ms.Lara Blair ..The Peace of the Lord be with you…….
hay people calm down plz , Philippines isnot country of "sarmuta " dnt speak as they have only "sarmuta" its full of shemales and gays + lesbians , plz b fair
At 150KD they were asking to be busted, just like those high roller gambling group that got busted a few months ago- got greedy, and then strangely enough, along came the cops.
Lara blair..oh dear..im so sorry about what happen to your fellow european's.don't worry i truly understand why your too much mad like that.i tell you one thing..look at your fingers,is that all the same?!?! don't waste ur time hating filipina like me.we're not doing anything to you.thank you for calling me dirty witch,i will not get upset by your words..bless you dear
I find you ugly, them handsome
Lara blair if you think that u r just look at ur face at the mirror if u not commit same mistake .
Asmaa casem …you look like a dirty witch
You are a disease in this world piece of shit ! Go to your fucking country where you belong …nasty criminal
Anyway prostitution is the oldest profession and in fairness to those ladies they're not stealing money they work for it, as they said nobody's perfect we' are all sinners not a Saints
Lol come on guys, yh the world is messed up and lots of negativity but we cant do anythin abt it, so stop cursing the hell out of each other and get along

all nationalities has whores every where in the world ..pple that do such for money or fun are also whore likewise the men that pay them for the illegal job..no country is clean, there's is sin everywhere n d world and some pple comment here like they don't do the dumb shit..if u do such outside marriage of b4 marriage u are more or less like them..(SIN IS SIN NO) no matter how big or small it is..I read many comments here and what I understand is most people read comments to respond not to learn..samaruta or whatever u call it is everywhere and u should also know there are some sins that are far worse that samaruta. .check urself b4 u judge others besides judging others is a sin…European talking about Asian and Asian talking about European..y"all should understand that just because someone from a continent do a bad thing doesn't mean they are all jackass or bad souls..u guys should understand that theres no country or any living soul in this universe that is perfect in fact most of u have committed sins today nd u know at the back of ur mind ur bad side…this is how the world is trembling cos everyone is right and no one ever admitted to his mistakes(SECURE UR SHITZ B4 TALKING ABOUT OTHER PPLE SELLING ASSES ..God bless kuwait
Maybe they're not Lucky like Anyone Here, don't Misjudge
Hmmmmnnnn treat person with d gudness u hav in you, not with d tantrums and plss learn to respect other and is any one thinking what is happening with dem? Whatever d nation nalitty he or she is, instead of pointing motivate dem and comfort dem with words if not with doings, allah ll bless us all coz our religions teach us to be kind, dont want to hurt any ones feelings here
Lara seems to think God made her ABOVE ALL I've seen and observed (some not All )covered Abayas swarming around malls looking for partners with there extravagant eyes drawn on and then cover face .I've heard all about these ladies who r dressed x-rated under that looking for a good time.
No Bodys Perfect, Don't Judge People You Don't Know coz Your Perfect??!!! Most People Surviving in there Lifes for Everyday Living
Lara Blair..be thankful to your self ok..why u feel insecurities to my fellow pilipina..you have mind or no u read the news or no what the wrote in kuwait up to date..said..83 Europeans woman arrested.its sad but its true..even u are europian girl i didnt say anthing to you becoz not all people in your country is they same..i just arguement when u told that pilipina is sharmuta!!!what the mind u have did u read philippine woman philippines is belong to Asian country by da way if u dnt know i will let u know ok..i hope u feel better..supposed to be i will working abroad for earn money not for sailing..everyone have freedom to choose what she want..!!!every one is unique..so dnt compare all..god bless you and i hope you have a peace of mind..
Happy for what??
we don'T need to compare and compet ourselves into other coz we are unique in our own ways..and i think there is no funny about this news so no need to laugh..
Khalifa Sazeet..are you ok or u going mad.??did u read your name that mention??pilipina dirty or you are most smelly and dirty.!!!i think you need to undergo in mental hospital..ok god bless you!!
Compared to you people we Indians are better
Compared to you people we Indians are better
Europeans became poor!
Europeans became poor!
Who know that you're mother and sisters are class? ?just you??
And someday it will come back to your daughter what your talking about Filipinoes. ….God Knows
Who know that you're mother and sisters are class? ?just you??
And someday it will come back to your daughter what your talking about Filipinoes. ….God Knows
to fight the Illicit.. LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION..
Fuck off lara blair
You guys are the worst ppl in Kuwait.. Everyone knows this.. Nabeel
Lara Blair So that European Bitches have Life? you got right Plan??
Lara Blair Most of the world think European ladies are very Clean never do mistake.. this is the true Face.
Kita nyo na mga kabayan, itaas naman po natin dignidad natin…Dba masakit masabihan ng Gaya sa mga comment, tayo lang po nagpapababa sa dignidad sa ating bayan…napakasakit isipin na pinagsalitaan tayo ng Hindi maganda dahil sa nakikita Nila…etoy opinion ko lamang..
Agree 100% with you Mike Terry..
khalifa sazeet youre loosing ur mind also.ur like lara blair ..aren't you related ?!?!?…bcoz ur mind same shit..read the article very clear ..ur out of ur mind just pointing whose to blame…anyone please explain to these two assholes what they're talking about?..for sure they don't understand the article
khalifa sazeet youre loosing ur mind also.ur like lara blair ..aren't you related ?!?!?…bcoz ur mind same shit..read the article very clear ..ur out of ur mind just pointing whose to blame…anyone please explain to these two assholes what they're talking about?..for sure they don't understand the article
They have to learn to respect the rules of country. If somebody go to England showing a religious symbol may be in prison. This measure I think is justice.
No bodies perfect…thats all…god only knows in all…
Fuck of khalifa sazeet if u don't know wht is sarmuta shot up ur mouth don't dare ur clean first of all ur mind is dirty if I say that all Kuwait are not clean are happy for that don't judge people think abt ur self before the others nobody is clean or perfect and why people fighting and point the nationality of others mind ur on business people every body had a reason why they do that so don't judge so quick. People
Khalifa Sazeet you dirty bastard.
Thank you Meshal Mohammed Al-Khalifah.
My mother and sister have class, don't campare Lamborghini with tata lol
Arun u seems to be a adultry promoter so all those who promote adultry ofcourse they will get punish if not here then hereafter. so wait and beside whoever being arrested against this crime must give them a good lession to minimize this evil From society.
You idiot first you control your arab people almost all Saudi and kuwaitis will go to dubai to enjoy drinks and girls first you stop that dirty bit****h first make your people perfect them try to make others…
khalifah Sazeet ,you are talking about your mother and sisters!see your backyard first before you judged Filipinoes.
Harlot is everywhere…
Lara Blair there r Black sheep in every community.so donot point out in 1 natlty
Before u leAve a comment make sure that ur country is clean….don't judge anybody god is not make all perfect…… Before pointing make sure u are perfect and not committed a sin….
Protitution is everywhere, that's correct.
However, that doesn't mean to allow it in Kuwait even if it already exists no matter the nationality is.
I'm a clinical microbiologist and I do know that there are only 250 HIV cases.Well, that's simply cos of the culture of this country, 2nd, restrictions that r made against such kind of practices
Keep this country clean, please
Protitution is everywhere, that's correct.
However, that doesn't mean to allow it in Kuwait even if it already exists no matter the nationality is.
I'm a clinical microbiologist and I do know that there are only 250 HIV cases.Well, that's simply cos of the culture of this country, 2nd, restrictions that r made against such kind of practices
Keep this country clean, please
oh thats is why ur guilty bcoz ur one of them..did anyone tell you that ur doing the same thing huh?!?! fyi im filipina!!! okay european ladies is on that article not "pilipino" ..uhmm..ur european right? i know the answer now..tnx sheikh mubarak for an open mind
oh thats is why ur guilty bcoz ur one of them..did anyone tell you that ur doing the same thing huh?!?! fyi im filipina!!! okay european ladies is on that article not "pilipino" ..uhmm..ur european right? i know the answer now..tnx sheikh mubarak for an open mind
Don't get them wrong people, they are just encouraging national ( local ) industry
Lara Blair be thankful you have everything in life. Don't judge people with out knowing them first. Coz each one of us has a reason why we did bad more that doing good. Try to meet other nationality and you will know if only Filipine are sharmuta
Dear Shanta i mentioned that i respect all nationalities who r on right path and against Evil. I reject all such offers right now in Advance
Lara Blair we all know that not only pilipina are sharmuta
You are absolutely right both sides shall be punished
We will never know anything this is all politics and for personal interest. MAY GOD BLESS All .
Evil will get its punish and saint will get its reward buss.
Still you would love to have a nationality from there If offered.
Let "Theme" go home. Bo ho ho whoe
Why force islam law for everything???
@jhanvi jackass chauhan. Dont spill your crappy brains if you do not know what you speak off. Go watch the newly released movie HOME.
Sofiya Al Sofiya perfect reply thanks…. ISIS is great sample … killing Innocent people and stilling and selling the girls in the name of Islam… can we know who created those ladies ?!!!
Loyal boys! What a joke you are
Lara Blair everyone not same , so dont compare the nationalities
Fuck u Lara Blair ur a whore idiot damn u
YOU are right Midhun, and here as in almost every country in the world it's the supplier who gets the bad rap, not the one who does the demanding… and yes if they cannot get it here they will go elsewhere, hence the popularity of the offshore bordello down the Gulf.
All nationality
Not only pilipina sharmu
Lara Blair: wach ur word not all pilipina are sharmuta!!! Look at ur finger they are not thesama (Astaqferullah )
guys don't fight each others be respectful to all and remember its all only because of need don't judge other if u dont know how badly they need. its need who make some one buyer and someone seller. everyone is right on his path depend on the situation.
Excuse me lara blair would u mind the article?its not about filipina its 83 EUROPIAN ladies…u sharmuta you dont understand what it is… think b4 u speak
Lara Blair..your comments is very terrible..i think your mind karban..not all philippina is sarmuta by da way..your mind is sarmuta..dnt say people in your country is dnt have sarmuta..if my country have is not your problem anyway..!!
loosers have been monitored and been caught as u can see in this post ….. truth is bitter
Salute to kuwait police who arrest this evil and put them behid the bars. long live Kuwait
Lara blair u don't have the right to judge us!! before u pointing us, make sure that your finger is clean..
Nobody's perfect!!!!
I am not naked this is just a pic of someone i am not naked and not make others to be naked ALHAMDULILLAH
Demand and supply.. thats how economics explains this !!
With more rich horny guys around, there will be such things happening !! This is never gonna stop.. jus go outside kuwait and see how these guys spend on prostitutes specially in dubai, thailand or anywher they go !!
Go back to Egypt you looser!
Are you for real?!!!!!your profile picture it's almost naked you stupid idiot….and you dare to say that somebody else is destroying Arab culture!go home!!!!leave my country you idiot!
They might b ugly guys according to U but one things for sure…. they r not as stupid as U think…..!
And for your kind info…..!
It's time virus's like these are erased from the society. .. !
They might b ugly guys according to U but one things for sure…. they r not as stupid as U think…..!
And for your kind info…..!
It's time virus's like these are erased from the society. .. !
You make islam ashame dirty pig …this is not islamic low…its the low from your dirty country where u from and u have nothing to do with islam ! Apes like u make the islam look bad around the world …ypu should go in jail for suck a affirmation. ..u nothing different from a terorist ! Criminal racist
You make islam ashame dirty pig …this is not islamic low…its the low from your dirty country where u from and u have nothing to do with islam ! Apes like u make the islam look bad around the world …ypu should go in jail for suck a affirmation. ..u nothing different from a terorist ! Criminal racist
We do hardwork and earn legal money and support our womens Alhamdulillah.
Hang yourself diry pig …typical dangerour animal thinking
Hang yourself diry pig …typical dangerour animal thinking
we dont care what other think about us we r muslims Alhamdulillah and we respect all nationals who r on right path and dont spread evil in humans.
Look at your mizerable county …low species ..an educated. ..third world…with people stink everywhere …look at you fucking racist
See 83 been caughted in pathetic crime redhanded this is europe usual living style. They r zoombies
Truth is always bitter
Yes they happy ..kuwait need them for sucking dick …they make the best job
Mind your business and read others comments well …im europian and i never do shit like this ! The europian very less doing shit like this in kuwait comapare with philipino
Take a shower before you open your dirty mouth ..u stink the most nasty pakistani or hindy what ever …your smell makes even the rats to vomit aneducated ape ! You are even banded in kuwait becouse u are dangerous primitive species ! See your own self before you generalise ..dont talk about ecerybody piece of shit what u are …go take a shower with clorex dirty fuck ! I hope kuwait governent never open viza for your fucking kind
What happen guys…I think we don't need to about who is fault and Who's nationality is shameless here..I think all I can say is there is no perfect nationality in this world..all have bad and good..and there is more worst also…
good job and hats off to the Ministry of Interior of Kuwait.
lara blair are you fuckin perfect?!?!?! did u read the article its not about nationalities.its about european ladies doing this shit thing..mind ur words!!!
What about the men, they should be arrested and charged and fined. It takes 2 to tango.
The fucking philipina sarmuta are the worst disease in this country ! Most of all of them broken families and go with maried man …cheap hungry evil bitches ! Very rare European women take the man from his wife but your nationality no maners…no respect for themselves …bigest bitches i ever see in my life ! I hope kuwait goverment send all of you back to your country and eat a big shit there shameless apes
Very good job
This is Islamic law
I am not dash are Taliban @marilyn johnson
In this case then everyone should get back to their own countries instead of deporting just few.
Philippinas women are happy hahahahahaha …. no Computation
Europe and it is life is Ugly pathetic and full of viruses..they have viruses around always.
Islam teaches cleanliness in all aspect of life so please get them away from muslims and stay clean in lifE
Must give punishment
They should be hanged they r provoking kuwaiti generation to bad things and destroy Arab culture.
You must be Daesh or a Taliban!
European…you see not only asians they are worse
European…you see not only asians they are worse
hanging them is not a solution, men are anyways gonna find another way
Must hang them
Good job
To bad. Now ugly guys have to go back to sleeping with their cousins!
Good job
Very good who make fault should punish
Yes that's right! !!!
Let theme go home
First learn to change your self and talk about others….
We are not 100% perfect…
They are not spoiling the men…. these men will find what they want with or with out these ppl
They have to be deported coz they r the virus to every one… And they are spoiling very loyal boys and men's Kuwait gov plz deport them ASAP thanks
good,well done