Kuwait Personal Loan Calculator

August 14, 20244 Comments


Loan Repayment Schedule

Loan Repayment Schedule

Disclaimer: For an accurate loan repayment schedule and detailed information regarding your loan, please contact your bank.

Total Principal: The total amount of the original loan that has been repaid by the borrower by the end of the loan term. This figure does not include any interest payments.

Total Interest: The total amount of interest the borrower has paid over the life of the loan. This figure is separate from the principal and represents the cost of borrowing the money.

Total Amount Payable: The sum of the total principal paid and total interest paid. This represents the total amount that the borrower will have repaid by the end of the loan term.

Monthly Installment: The fixed amount that the borrower must pay each month, which generally includes both principal and interest components.

Installments (Months): The total number of monthly payments that the borrower is required to make to settle the loan completely.

Annual Interest Rate: The percentage charged on the loan amount by the lender expressed on an annual basis. This rate is used to calculate the interest payments due for the loan.

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  1. Mohammad Naveed Azam says:

    A nice loan calculator.
    Very convenient and user friendly.

  2. Divya says:

    It works well . Nice

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