Kuwait Visa for Parents
I would like to know about the eligibility and procedure for applying for a Medical Treatment Visa for parents who are older than 50 years. And if the visa is granted what will be the duration of their stay in Kuwait?
Name withheld
Answer: Basically there are only three types of visas in Kuwait — visit visa, work permit and dependent visa. There are no medical treatment visas in the country.
We would like to point out that Kuwait is not a medical tourism destination. In fact, thousands of Kuwaitis and other Kuwait residents travel to other medical tourism destinations and are reported to spend over a billion dollars every year at those destinations.
So, you can’t get a visa for parents for medical treatment.
In fact Kuwait discourages expatriates bringing their parents into the country for medical treatment and has already fixed a lot of charges for various health facilities in case visitors need any treatment in the country.
Source : Arabtimes

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Age limit for boys on dependent visa
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What does it mean “Ban on recruitment of expats below 30 years of age” ?
Need your advice on below 2 points: 1) Ban on recruitment of expats below 30 years of age. 2) 2 years passport validity for family visa. What does it mean “Ban on recruitment of expats below 30 years of age” ? was last modified: November 22nd, 2017 by Kuwait Upto Date
Comments (11)
Filed in: All • Expats in Kuwait • legal • Local News
Minimum how many month need to give resignation iam working past 15years in Kuwait i trasfer my visa so many times now I want resign my job but I finish six month in present company so let me know the rules my civil id the make just one month bfr so kindly advise me how will i resign
I am Usman Nazir . I am Pakistani and working here. I want to take my wife in Kuwait.i want my wife 's visa . How can I take my wife here in Kuwait. I am happy after reading the news paper that the issue of Kuwait bans on visas for Pakistani nationals has been solved . Plz could you tell me about the eligibility and procedure to get a family visa & what will be the duration of this procedure . Plz give me need full reply & advice me about this . I am waiting …
Q: my visa belongs to farming but I spent 3years with that. Now I want to transfer my residence to company if any one knows please tell me.
Hi can someone help me to know
I was working in wataniya telecomunication its already past 6 years i was an counter salesman as there is person who has take offer with postpaid line but after 4 years he say he dont take that line but all civil id signeture all same but company wataniya telecom they have keep that case on me becoz i have sale that line now becoz of that i have travel ban i did not meet my kids from last 2 years can someone advice me what i do to remove travel ban pls help me
Sir when will visa is issued to pakistanies.plz reply
Q: Im just wondering if is it open this month of Ramadan for the Syrian to gets an entry visa here in Kuwait they are coming from Jordan? Because one of my friend wants to take his wife and kids here in Kuwait. They are Syrian but they are living in Jordan and its been a long time that he is trying ti take them here,
Please I want a needful answer…Thank you.
Sir when will visa is issued to pakistanies
If I go other company release how mach I have to pay shine fee.sum body tall me 300 Kd,
Hi ,
My name is Renjith and I am working in a shipping company. My previous company gave driver visa and I took driving licence in 2013 and my current company change my visa status to mandoop taswik. I went for licence renuwal from ministry they informed my licence is cancelled. Please advise me how to renew my licence.
My name is Ahammed Ashif still Iam in Kuwait and Iam working in khadhim visa so how can I take my wife and child from here..so if i get any visiting visa or other let me please tell the reply me