Liberation Tower is now open for the public to visit
Kuwait Liberation Tower is an iconic landmark in the heart of Kuwait City owned and operated by the Ministry Of Communications. This cultural edifice is distinguished by its splendor of engineering and architectural design. It is a masterpiece and a unique landmark in the state of Kuwait.

The iconic liberation tower is now open for the public to visit for the whole month of February. The ministry of communication also holding an exhibition of telecom devices and postal services.
For Public:
Weekdays Timings : 3pm to 8pm
Weekends Timings : 2pm to 8pm
But the appointment is compulsory by following link
For foreign diplomatic and cultural personnel, official delegates and students of public and private schools and special needs schools:
From 9 am to 1 pm Please contact the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Communications at 99805770 for reservation.
The Liberation Tower
Construction of the tower commenced before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. It was meant to be called The Kuwait Telecommunications Tower.
When the invasion took place, construction, which was almost half-way complete, was put on hold. However, the structure received no damage, and construction resumed after Saddam Hussein’s forces were expelled on February 27, 1991. Upon completion in 1993, the tower was renamed the Liberation Tower, symbolizing Kuwait’s liberation from Iraq.
The tower contains a revolving restaurant and observation platform (in the first disc-shaped pod; now closed to the public for security reasons), and also houses radio and other telecommunications offices. The structure stands at 372 meters high (1,220 ft) at its pinnacle. The roof of the second pod on the tower is 308 meters high (1,010 ft). It is similar to the CN Tower since both contain a revolving restaurant, observation platform, telecommunications equipment and similar architecture.
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