New rule for transfer of expat workers visa
In a bid to organize the labor market and reduce the rate of marginal workers, the Public Authority of Manpower has released new conditions for movement of expatriate workers within various sectors in collaboration and cooperation with Civil Service Commission and the Ministry of Interior.
According to spokesperson of the authority and director of public relations and media Aseel Al- Mezyad, the conditions will be announced within the next few days to be applicable to recruitment of workers from outside, decisions regulating the labor market and population restructure.
She said every expatriate worker moving from private to public sector must obtain approval of the Civil Service Commission based on relevant regulations. She continued that for a worker to move from public to private sector, they must prove justifications for their need according to economic activity or contract project in which the employer is involved.
This is in addition to evaluation of whether the employer deserves to include other workers on his license, while the profession should tally with the academic attainment. Central Administration for Statistics has revealed that a total number of workers in the country is around 2.2 million.
Kuwaitis cover 361,500 of the number as against 1.7 million expatriates. workers from non- Arab Asian countries have the highest portion of 50.6 percent followed by Arabs who constitute 29.9 percent at a total number of 611,000.
Indians and Egyptians are on top of the 10 nationalities with the highest numbers of about 570,000 and 470,000 respectively. It was reported that total number of expatriate workers registered at the Public Authority for Manpower reached 1.6 million from 165 nationalities.
Source : Arabtimes
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