No more expats of +50 age in Ministries in Kuwait
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) issued a circular to all ministries and other governmental bodies to submit on March 1, 2016 the list of expatriate workers with their ages and to end the service of those who have reached the age of 50, reports Al- Nahar daily quoting sources.
Sources clarified the above mentioned date was set in view of the budget for the coming fiscal year, during which a number of remarkable changes are expected due to the decision to limit expenditures and stop the wastage of public funds.
Sources affirmed the decision to end the services of expatriates who reached the age of 50 will be compulsory for all governmental bodies and ministries. Sources said the Ministers Council will be informed in case a ministry or governmental body does not implement the decision, which is in accordance with the general policy of the State.
Source : Arabtimes
Comments (7)
Filed in: All • Expats in Kuwait • law • Local News
Addinh an other thing. If you want to clean up ir country so announce the reduction on fines of over stayed people or the people without visa. Let them pay the dues and they can leave ur country.
I dont think that it would be a smart move. All you giys have to see whats the real wastage. Stop spending on ur nationals and give out nationalties to those who stayed for more then 25 years and to the borns of ur country. If you give out nationalities to expacts so they will invest in your country. Its alot to say and you give you guys good ideas but bloging isnt the real place to say.
Rajababu Kappala brother I am not mad but going to become
any how if I hurt you I apologise to you brother but I got instead of reply the title MAD any how brother I respect your intention I feel sorry if I hurt you thks & rgds
Will that be implemented on the Ministry of Health as well? I doubt because the vast majoriy of the expat. doctors are over 50 and if this would be implemented, no need to say what will be the consequences for Kuwaitis and expats.
R U mad, Y U R raising the issue, do U wnat to implement in private also ?. Just keep quite. Ok
What will be the maximum age allowed to for private sectors Please clarify thks
That's good, get rid of all your experience in on swoop. very smart. hhhhhhhh