Run Kuwait

October 5, 20142 Comments




In 2010, Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute (FSRI), in partnership with Agility, launched the 10K RunQ8, to benefit non-profit organizations and programs committed to health, education, and project-based charity. The first RunQ8 “Vision 2020”, supported the establishment of the Community Eye Health Care Program at Kuwait University, part of the United Nation’s World Health Organization’s Vision 2020 Initiative.  The second race, RunQ8 2011, highlighted the “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2021” by creating an Early Childhood Road and Traffic Safety Program, teaching car and traffic safety to over 10,000 schoolchildren in the project’s first year. This project was embraced by our community partner, Porsche, and won the Porsche 2012 Best Practices award to become the community-education model for all Porsche driving schools in the Middle East.

RunQ8 proceeds, starting from the most recent RunQ8 2013, are dedicated to the FSRI non-profit Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC). Caring for a child with a physical and/or cognitive disability has significant emotional, physical and financial effects on a family. Often, the family will postpone seeking treatment for their child due to financial constraints.  As part of this commitment, we provide free or low-cost rehabilitation services to vulnerable children. FSRI’s multidisciplinary rehabilitation services include physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition and holistic care. FSRI will be working with local partners to implement the initiative set for this year.rr_20_0


Due to the lack of multidisciplinary rehabilitation services in Kuwait, many families must travel abroad to avail of the quality of care that their child needs. A parent has sufficient difficulty in raising a disabled child, but to do this far from their home and from the support of their family demands too much. The dynamic nature of childhood disability is such that it is seen along a continuum of growth; this requires ongoing treatment to constantly guide the child’s development in the correct way. Should good quality treatment be sought abroad, the family inevitably returns home, where the child receives no treatment until the family can afford the time and money to go abroad again.

Even in the case of the “fortunate few” that can afford repeated journeys overseas, the child will inevitably deteriorate whenever the family is at home due to lack of ongoing treatment. It is imperative that there is a better option available to families than that which currently exists.

 Among the goals of FSRI’s Pediatric Program are the following: 

1) To provide a structured, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary rehabilitation service that cares for all of the needs of the child

2) To provide parents with a service which is available to them regardless of their financial situation, so that they do not have to watch their child’s condition deteriorate because they cannot afford help

3) To foster communication and co-operation between all practitioners caring for the child in order that they may work better together towards a common goal, both within FSRI and with the wider healthcare community in Kuwait

4) To involve parents in their child’s rehab and to ensure they understand their child’s condition so that they can continue to promote their child’s wellbeing during daily interactions in the home

5) To provide parents with support they know they can rely on and to build confidence and trust in pediatric rehabilitation services within our nation

6) To provide a more stable life for children through eliminating the necessity for rehabilitation abroad; the child is therefore free to engage with their family and in school and to build the foundations for a bright future.


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  1. i want to register for a group of 5 persons but when i fill the form the page says that chose a sub event plz help

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