Security raid at camps in Mahboula
Ahmadi securitymen arrested 160 violators of law and issued 94 traffic citations during a security campaign launched on Wednesday in Mahboula area.
According to a press statement issued by Ministry of Interior, the campaign was headed by Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior Lieutenant General Sulaiman Fahad Al-Fahad with the participation of high ranking security officers.
Some of the securitymen closed all exit roads from Mahboula area while the rest were distributed to all roads and streets of the area for checking.
After taking necessary permission in advance, they raided some suspicious locations to check the documents of the residents and their legal status. The arrested individuals included 28 who were reported as absconding, 12 involved in civil cases, three involved in drug-related cases, 37 with expired residencies, 67 without any identification documents, two involved in breach of trust cases and one involved in a theft case. General Department of Public Relations and Media Security affirmed that such security campaigns will continue in coordination with all relevant authorities with the aim of arresting wanted individuals and violators of law.
In a press statement issued by Ministry of Interior, General Department of Public Relations and Media Security explained that the arrested individuals included 35 marginal workers, 20 who were reported as absconding, 14 with expired residencies and 31 without any identification documents. The department affirmed that such security campaigns will continue with the cooperation of all relevant authorities to arrest the violators of law.
Source : Arabtimes
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