Tag: bloggers

6.5 million mobile subscriptions in Kuwait #kuwait #q8

July 14, 20140 Comments

Source : Middle East Time



Kuwait for example boasts the highest mobile penetration in the MENA region with 212% or close to 6.5 million mobile subscriptions.

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Kuwait Paintball Tournament 7 #kuwait #q8

July 11, 20141 Comment

KUWAIT Stunt Riders 2014 #kuwait #q8

July 11, 20140 Comments

Free books for, who live to read #kuwait #q8

July 11, 20146 Comments

One of my friend ANKIT GUPTA want to donate his books collections. if you are interested to get call him at 67095351 .

10524100_10152128929895703_403166845_n Continue Reading &raquo

Danger in Iraq a real threat for all neighboring countries #kuwait #iraq #q8

July 10, 20148 Comments


‘Danger in Iraq a real threat for all neighboring countries’
Via ArabTimes

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What about Kuwait Temperature in 2100 if #kuwait #q8

July 10, 20140 Comments

While reading Mashable Magazine, I came across the word Kuwait and surprised to read that “by 2100 living in Phoenix will feel like summering in sweltering Kuwait City” then what about would be of Kuwait ? Continue Reading &raquo

Video – Kuwaiti Lady specializes in the repair of automotive mechanics #kuwait #q8

July 9, 20142 Comments

Kuwait’s Past and present via ArabNews #kuwait #q8

July 9, 20140 Comments


Source : http://www.arabnews.com/news/598756
Written by Abdulateef Al-Mulhim

One of the members of the GCC, Kuwait is smaller than the size of New Jersey, US. With a total population of about four million — only 50 percent of which are Kuwaitis — the total area of Kuwait is 7,000 sq. miles. Kuwait has a rich history and has been ruled by Al-Sabah family for hundreds of years. However, following the culmination of Kuwaiti-British treaty in 1961, the country became fully independent and late Sheikh Abdullah Al-Sabah became the emir of Kuwait. Continue Reading &raquo

Indians are top expats in Kuwait then Egyptians and Bangladeshi #kuwait #q8

July 9, 20140 Comments

stat Continue Reading &raquo

Donate 1KD by redeeming a 100 points from your Sultan Center card #Kuwait #q8 #ramadan

July 7, 20143 Comments


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