Tag: kuwait music
Requiem of Giuseppe Verdi , Kuwait
On 12, 13, 14 November, Ahmadi Music Group will present the Requiem of Giuseppe Verdi. Continue Reading »
On 12, 13, 14 November, Ahmadi Music Group will present the Requiem of Giuseppe Verdi. Continue Reading »
Photographer : Usman Choudhry
Instagram : @usman_choudhry
Mr. John Lozano, Mr. Shiraz Qureshi, Mr. Noel Silva , Mdame Amalia El Desouky Mohamed, Mrs. Concepcion Silva, Engr.Jun Belen, Engr. Heherson Maraggun, Mr.Freddie Nagum, Ms. Janet Emar-Tapang, Ms. Annabelle Hortillano , Ms. Eunice Grace Tapang and Mr. Jerry Tacubanza these are the people behind the success of aegis show. Thank you
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