Tag: legal
Encashment of unused leave balance
Quoted from Arabtimes – I have unused leave balance and am entitled to leave encashment on my resignation from the company. What would be the salary that I will be getting for my unused leave on resignation?
New born baby in Kuwait and Salary cap for dependent visa
Quoted from Arabtimes – I have a question about the new rules? How do these affect a new born baby? Is there a minimum salary? Even if we are both here in Kuwait?
Driving License – Designation changed
My driving license was issued on Dec 18, 2012 for 10 years with designation “Driver” and salary KD 400. But now my designation in my new company is being changed to Technical Assistant with the salary KD 400.
Kuwait Visa for Parents
I would like to know about the eligibility and procedure for applying for a Medical Treatment Visa for parents who are older than 50 years. And if the visa is granted what will be the duration of their stay in Kuwait?
How to calculate overtime
I am working in a multinational company, and my monthly salary pay structure is Basic + HRA (House Rent Allowance). HRA is set by the company as 40% of the basic salary, e.g. the Basic is KD 100 and the HRA (40%) is KD 40 so the total salary for the month is KD 140. (To whom it may concerns, quoted from Arabtimes)