Visa for Parents
I am in India and daily read the Legal Clinic column of your newspaper. I wish to get your advice on following problem, which you may or may not print it in newspaper.
My son landed in Kuwait on 15/7/15 to work in the KOC as a drill engineer. From 14/7/15 the Kuwaiti government banned parents visa.
At the time of interview for KOC and at the time of departure for KOC and at the time of resigning from old company of India we were unaware that parents visa had been banned in Kuwait. I am a retired bank manager, 63 years old and living alone after the death of my wife.
Due to old age I have to depend for everything on others and there is nobody to look after me. I have also brought this problem of parents visa to my government as well the Kuwaiti government but there has been no reply from either side. Now please suggest how I can get a parent visa.
Name withheld
Answer: Unfortunately, there are a lot of restrictions on the issuance of visas for parents and current the issuance of all types of such visas has been suspended but you never know when this suspension could be lifted.
So, all you can do is wait for the authorities to pass another decision to lift the current restrictions which have been in place for almost a whole year.
Source : Arabtimes
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I want to bring my mother how my salary quo my wife also working in ministry of efucation