Why facebook is down ?
VB staff from across the world confirmed they either couldn’t reach the social network or it was incredibly slow. The generic “Service Unavailable” and “Sorry, something went wrong.” errors showed up, as did another generic “Page not found” message. A quick check at DownForEveryoneOrJustMe confirmed the issue was widespread: “It’s not just you! http://facebook.com looks down from here.”
It’s always news when Facebook goes down, because the service is so incredibly reliable. But three times in the span of 11 days? That’s unprecedented.
To be clear, as I write this article, Facebook is still accessible for some and is failing for others. But even if it does load, it’s incredibly slow or doesn’t load the page completely.
The first outage lasted an average of five minutes for most users. The second one took about 10 minutes to fix. Today’s outage appears to be the longest, though there are periods where it appears the site is working again.
Most importantly, Facebook is still refusing requests for an explanation. Both on September 17 and September 24, we asked the company what had caused each of the outages. We sent out a request today as well, though at this rate, we’re not expecting a reply.
This is getting ridiculous. Much like Google, Facebook is seen as a site that never goes down. The three outages in September 2015, however, are seriously putting its reliability into question.
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