Working hours during the holy month of Ramadan in Kuwait
The Civil Service Commission in Kuwait has officially announced the working hours for public sector during the holy month of Ramadan, which begins in two weeks.
The work hours would be reduced to four and a half hours (9.30am to 2:00pm) at the following departments:
Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs,
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Public Works,
Ministry of Higher Education,
Ministry of Communications,
Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Information,
Public Authority for Housing Welfare,
Kuwait Ports Authority,
Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources,
Public Authority for Youth and sports,
Environment Public Authority,
Public Authority for Industry,
Public Authority for Minors’
Affairs, Customs General Department, Kuwait Fire Services Directorate,
Kuwait Credit Bank, Zakat House,
Kuwait Municipality,
Civil Service Commission, and National Council of Culture, Arts and Letters.
The remaining state departments would work from 10am to 2.30pm in the remaining state departments.
As for private sector, the Labour Law number 6/2010 indicates the work hours during Ramadan, and needs to be shortened to 36 hours a week, or six hours a day.

Working hours during the holy month of Ramadan in Kuwait was last modified: May 2nd, 2018 by
Comments (4)
Filed in: All • Local News
hope the kuwait government will conduct inspections for every company which does not follow the reules.
last year ive worked 7and half hours but no overtime pay. and it hurts because i am a muslim who has peroforming fasting during ramadhan and giving too much time for praying in the evening and waking up early and my schedule is 5am to 12:30 pm. if it will not change a very big problem for us muslims to do fast this ramadhan. 🙁
Naeic job I loveb Kuwait
You should check all Spa masaage. They are still open during Ramadan in the morning