89 more Expats arrested in Hawally
As per Arabtimes, The Public Security Sector in the Ministry of Interior conducted a security crackdown in Hawally where it checked the identification documents of 387 people.
In a press statement, the sector disclosed 89 people were arrested during the campaign — 13 violated the Residency Law, three were wanted by law for various cases, 33 hold expired residency permits and their sponsors failed to clear their violation, 27 for selling and buying items in offices illegally, two were wanted by law for civil cases, three for absconding and 18 without identification documents.
The sector reiterated that the campaign shall continue to protect lives and properties, as well as track down criminals.
Meanwhile, Ahmadi Security Directorate continued its surprise inspection campaigns under the leadership of Ahmadi Security Chief Brigadier Safah Al-Mula. In a press statement, the Public Relations and Security Department disclosed the recent campaigns were carried out in Jaber Al-Ali, Fintas, Fahaheel, Abdullah Port, Khairan, Riqqa, Sabahiya and Thaher.
These campaigns resulted in the arrest of 27 persons — five for involvement in financial cases, six involved in criminal cases, five who were reported absconding, one who holds an expired residency permit, five involved in alcohol-related cases, four involved in immoral acts and one for practicing black magic or tricks.
Source : Arabtimes
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