DAESH gives orders to kill Kuwaiti
According to Arabtimes, The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or the so-called DAESH is said to have issued ‘orders to kill’ Kuwaiti preacher Abdul Rahman Abdul Khaliq
because he is the first preacher who is said to have issued a fatwa to fight the terrorist organization, reports Al-Rai daily.
The organization has disseminated the image of Abdul Khaliq in the organization’s social media urging followers in an indirect manner to get rid of the preacher.
This incitement comes a few days after Abdul Khaliq severely criticized DAESH saying their call for jihad or the holy war has no meaning and nothing to do with Islam. To the contrary, he said, the organization works against Islam and tarnishes the image of this sublime religion.
Source : Arabtimes
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