Entitles to 21 days leave with pay to perform Hajj ( Article 76 )
The worker who spent two continuous years working for the same employer shall be entitles to 21 days leave with pay to Al Hajj provided that he had not performed hajj before.
Kuwait Labor Law
- Amended Labor Law in private sector takes effect
- New Taxi and Bus fares (rates) in Kuwait
- New Taxi Fares under study and Taxis must start using meters
- New Domestic Workers Law
- Each family can sponsor only one
- Fine range between KD 5 and KD 200 depending on the nature of offence
- Decision issued on transfer fees – 250 , 300 and 350 KD
- Cancellation of residency in case of our stay out of Kuwait
- From 2 KD to 50 KD – Charges increased on work permits and transfer of residence
- Transfer of work permit without employers approval after 3 years
Kuwait News
- Events in Kuwait
- Expats workers shelter solves problems of 223 maids in 3 months
- Expatriates employed hold unauthenticated credentials
- Lifting travel ban for KD 400
- Avoid violating workers rights
- Electric Cars, soon in Kuwait
- Kuwaiti woman caught after 20 years
- Notification from Ministry of Interior for watching porn sites
- Kuwaitis top list in criminal cases
- Kuwait issued Five Bachelors Accommodations to leave
- Court sentenced a Kuwaiti man to death by hanging
- Prostitute charged KD 1,000 per night
- Islands of Kuwait
- Two girls and 4 boys arrested
- WAVES — Will it dethrone Ethereum ?
- Kuwait to have the fastest internet
- Shift car from road in minor accident to avoid fine
- Please do not accept bags from unknown people
- Bachelor homes and industrial areas to be raided in illegals hunt
- KFH launch XTM in Avenues
- Can’t blame expats for traffic chaos on roads

Entitles to 21 days leave with pay to perform Hajj ( Article 76 ) was last modified: August 20th, 2015 by
is not practicable
plz. can you tell about the article no. where its mentioned