Kuwait bans home delivery services
Kuwait has suspended home delivery licences in a bid to reduce traffic in the crammed capital. The Interior Ministry is preparing to regulate home delivery services because it requires too many vehicles to be on the roads, Kuwait Times said.
Kuwait City’s roads are often bottle-necked because the number of drivers has soared in recent years, while no major roadworks have been completed. The government also has implemented strict new qualifications for obtaining a driver’s licence to reduce the number of new ones issues, including that expatriates must live in the country for two years before they can apply, unless they work in certain categories of jobs such as those with high level degrees.
Source : ArabianBusiness
Kuwait News
- Events in Kuwait
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- New health insurance system for expatriates in Kuwait
- Short Film in Al Shaheed Park , Kuwait
- Young Sounds by LOYAC , Kuwait
- Lecture on Empowering Ummah , Kuwait
- The Musical Pop Tastic by BAIA in BSK , Kuwait
- Tulu koota Kuwait present Rasamanjari 2015 , Kuwait
- Al Shehab Wins Red Bull Kart Fight in Kuwait @redbullkuwait
- Lecture : Jinns and Magic by TIES Centre , Kuwait
- Lecture : What is etiquette?
- Exhibition : New Species by Hunt Slonem in Sultan gallery , Kuwait
- Launch of Kidzine Magazine, Kuwait
- Workshop : Bake & Brew , Kuwait
- FIRST OPEN WATER RACE @alcornicheclub , Kuwait
- Trolley Race in The Sultan Centre , Kuwait
- First K-Pop Youth Festival in Kuwait
- Al Shaheed Park , Kuwait #alshaheedgarden @Alshaheedpark #alshaheedpark
- Video wherein Kuwaiti Aircraft & Malaysian Aircraft were about to collide
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Carpooling in comapnies and offices is a solution that saves traffic increase and fuel also!
-Mehreen Siddiqui
LEED Student
[email protected]