Kuwaiti recruits women as parliament guards
In a historic breakthrough for women, Kuwait is recruiting female guards for the parliament in a bid to improve the security system. “Having women guards at the parliament has become an urgent necessity amid the security conditions and developments in the country,” Major General Khalid Al Waqeet, Assistant Secretary General for Parliament Security Guard Affairs, said. “Allowing female volunteers to join the parliament’s guards, for the first time, aims to deal with changes that necessitate the development of the security system,” he told Kuwait News Agency (Kuna).
The women guards’ duties will include inspecting and frisking women, both staff and visitors, Al Waqeet said, adding that the new parliament building scheduled to be opened within six months will provide all the needs of the female guards.
“Young women who wish to apply for the position of guards at the parliament should hand in their requests by August 31,” he said. Successful applicants will undergo training and will follow courses for one year in line with the educational requirements.
“The academic year for the guards will start in mid-September and will be divided into two semesters. It includes acquiring the aptitudes to deal and communicate with VIPs as well as common people and learning the skills to meet all the requirements to ensure that all security operations are up to the set standards,” Al Waqeet said.
Source : Gulf News
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