Many prostitutes arrested in Khaitan , Kuwait (Via Arabtimes)
The Farwaniya police have busted a ring of prostitutes who had been practicing their activities inside two apartments in Khaitan. The female pimp is believed to be an Ethiopian and when police acting on information raided the two places they seized 12 women — eight Indians, two Filipinos, one Nepalese and one Ethiopian. The security forces have also taken into custody 18 expatriate men who had gone for flesh pleasure.
According to security sources the pimp, identified only as Ghola had secured the place with iron bars to prevent anyone from escaping or breaking into the apartments.
The same sources said police sought the help of firemen to break open the place and arrest the suspects. Most of the women found inside the two dens were reported absconding by their respective employers.
Source : Arabtimes
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