Now parents can sue school if fees raised
As per ArabTimes, In the wake of a statement by the Minister of Education Dr Bader Al-Essa affirming the draft law of private education
which was referred to the Parliamentary Education Committee sets the ceiling for fees in private schools, rapporteur of the committee MP Hamoud Al-Hamdan disclosed that labeling of private schools under the new law; whether foreign, bilingual or Arabic, will facilitate procedures for guardians to sue the schools if fees are raised at random, reports Al-Rai daily.
Al-Essa was quoted as saying the ministry is keen on preparing a comprehensive draft law to preserve the rights of schools, and at the same time, the rights of guardians. For his part, MP Al-Hamdan said the new law classifi es the schools, organizes their operating costs and sets the ceiling of fees, which the schools shouldn’t violate.
Meanwhile, Al-Qabas daily reported that scores of guardians have disclosed their intention to file complaints with the Minister of Education Dr Bader Al-Essa against the private schools their wards attend after the schools’ administration sent copy of the new fees for all grades to guardians via email with 10 to12.8 percent raise for academic year 2016/2017, without dispatching letter of approval from the Department of Private Education.
Source : ArabTimes,
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