Videos : Crane fell down on roof of Safa n Marwa at Masjid e Haram , KSA
A huge construction crane buffeted by strong winds collapsed and crashed through the roof of the Grand Mosque in Mecca Friday, killing as many as 65 worshippers in the city for the annual Muslim pilgrimage, the Saudi Arabia Civil Defense reports. The Civil Defense said on Twitter that as many as 30 people had been injured.
Photos sent by Twitter from the scene show numerous blood-covered bodies strewn on a marble floor. The arm of a huge crane appears through a large hole in the roof of the mosque. Even before the crane accident, the Civil Defense was warning of thunderstorms, heavy rain and wind in the area.
More than 60 dead in crane collapse in Mecca’s Grand Mosque
The Saudi Civil Defense says search and rescue teams and medical workers from the Saudi Red Crescent have been sent to the scene.
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